SNSD new HOT song "Mr. TAXI", great song, bad MV

are you think these video bad??? we think it's not!!
but with these great song, we think the Music Video (MV) is not enough to make the song big.
apparently, the Dance Version is better than the MV (check it out)

can you see why Dance Version better than the Music Video Version?
in Music Video the camera roll so lazy, so we can't feel the effect of song (it's techno song isn't it, with high beat) but MV play with really fast transitions (this kind of video play, don't make us feel the song.... it's just make we dizzy), but in Dance Version, because it's just play the Dance, we won't feel dizzy with fast transition and unfortunately, the camera roll so smooth and better than MV (we don't say that the rolling of camera is the best for this song, but it's better that MV Version).
the sensual images of the girls also not pleased (sooyoung and yuri can do better)

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